środa, 29 lipca 2015


Dear readers,

As some of you know, this week is the last of my internship and soon (on Friday) I'm starting a journey to Peru. As I've often written, I have been dreaming of visiting South America for years, so I wanted to see most of it while I'm there. But now I'm a bit tired and actually I feel like I'd rather go home already, than go on another crazy adventure. Still, there is no doubt that magical Peru will turn out to be a beautiful experience and that in the end, I'll be glad that I went there.

I haven't booked much, actually I've booked nothing apart from the hostel in Lima, but my itinerary for now looks as follows (of course, all might change on the way):
I'm starting on Friday with a flight to Lima, were I will stay for a couple of days. From there, I will take a bus down the coast and with one stop on the road (I'm not exactly keen on crazily long bus trips, so, whenever it's possible, I'll take shorter trips and stop somewhere on the way if the road is supposed to take more than 12 hours) I will get to Arequipa. After few days there, I will go to see the lake Titicaca, La Paz, probably some places in between and in the end- visit Cusco, Macchu Picchu and, if I have enough time, the Nacional Parque del Manu, which is a jungle with very rich flora and fauna. I will probably fly back to Lima from Cusco, as the bus takes forever and the road is not exactly the safest one. I am flying back to Santiago on the 25.08 and then, back to Europe on the 27.08. For some reason I'm putting more effort into planning my arrival than into planning the travel... But I've been away long enough.

After probably a few weeks at home, I'll go back to Munich to continue my Master studies. I am still kinda homeless for now, or rather looking for a new flat, but I will probably only take care of it properly when I'm back. After Peru, I'm sure I'll be able to sleep anywhere, including a tent in the English Garden (though I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to camp there!).

Someone asked me today at breakfast "Please, don't forget this country!". Of course I won't forget. It's a different question how much I'll miss it here, but I don't think anyone could forget 5 months spent in the beautiful place. Some pictures for the last goodbyes

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