sobota, 21 lutego 2015


I started writing this blog to motivate myself to do something with my life. And to check whether the magic happens if you quit your comfort zone. What has been happening since is ... However I put it, well, it is a kind of magic.

About two hours after I published the first post, I got an e-mail from the company at which I'd applied for an internship some time before. As I applied in the beginning of October and haven't heard much from them since (well, first I got a refusal and few weeks later asked when I could come- but since I answered that there was no contact- and it has been 3 months) I gave up the hope of it ever working out. I wanted to start in February and when it came, I was sure it was all over.

But two hours after publishing the first post, I got an e-mail asking whether I was still interested. And, as I had absolutely no other plan, I was. And as they turned out to me interested too...

I am going to Chile! Visiting South America has been a dream of mine for years. But it's always been far from what I could afford. And I've never had time. When I was planning the gap year, I thought I might go, but knowing Spanish very poorly (or rather not at all) I had very poor chances of getting a job. And then, when I started looking for internship, there it was. As it's a German company, I don't even need Spanish (though of course, I'm trying to learn it now to be able to talk to the locals). As I don't know much myself yet, I can't tell you more now... But it will follow when I get there which is... in a week.

And now, after two months of watching tv and staying in bed- I'm finally making the dream come true! And the best thing, that the only time I left my comfort zone for it was the night after the first post. Who knows what would be happening if I forced myself to do so every day?

As I've spend the last week in Munich to present and hand in my bachelor thesis (finally graduated yesterday!- though well, technically, it will take a few more weeks until I'm officialy a B.Sc.) I had literally no time for anything... Started a blog to write about the huge amounts of free time that I didn't know how to use and after a week, I don't even have the time to write the blog anymore. But I will do my best to keep it updated! Ok, of course I will keep it updated- if it brought me what's been happening over the last few weeks, I just can't forsake it now!

piątek, 6 lutego 2015


I started my get-a-life-challange a moment after I published the last post on Thursday. However unbelievably scary this sounds, I went out! With strangers!

I do realise how embarassing it is to be excited about going out. Sounds a bit like being 16 again and entering a party with a fake ID. And I wasn't even at a party. But after 6 weeks at home, this feels like a milestone!

The reason I'm writing about this at all is firstly, to let you know that I did start my challange and secondly, because of something that happened afterwards. There'd been something that I'd been waiting for for months and almost gave up hope that I would even hear about it again. But I did. I can't tell exactly what it is yet (the picture below might be a hint if someone would be bothered to guess), but hey- it did happen, after 4 months of silence, the day after I finally forced myself out of my comfort zone- could this be the magic?

Going out, shockingly, was actually really good fun and I stayed up till 4 am (if you read my last post carefully, going out with a group of strangers AND staying up later than 2 am were light years away from my comfort zone). I won't go much into details here, but the evening certainly left me with some good memories- who would have expected that? I promised to mention my friend Aska here ('write about me on your blog! maybe more people will follow me on instagram then?') who made me go out and who's been my partner in the laziness crime these last few months (e.g. I promised to help her with German, so she came over to mine so we could practice. After 10 mins of trying, we both gave up on German and ended up eating, sleeping and watching tv- but this was before my challange started!).

A proper update will come when I have confirmed my further plans. For now, I'm staying away from bed as much as I can. I wanted to stay away from it so much that I went to Vienna to hide from it. Unfortunately, there are beds here too!

Edit: I've been even going out here in Vienna. Went to a writer meeting yesterday. Avarage age: 70. I met new people: 3. Avarage age of the people I met: 68. Noone seemed to be very interested in the free wine after!

Maybe I'm just ill?

czwartek, 5 lutego 2015

What if your comfort zone is only as big as your bed?

Everyone who knows me well would probably say "lazy" if asked for one word to describe me. I do work and go to uni, but whenever I have a chance, I stay in bed and read or watch series on the internet. I really admire people who "relax actively", go hiking or mountain biking or whatever whenever they have time. I do sports, I love swimming and I even ran a half- marathon last year, but it is only for keeping myself any fit that I do it (and so that I can carry on with my love towards chocolate).

My deep love to spending time in bed is almost legendary among my friends and flatmates. Once, a close friend and flatmate brought me a quote she read somewhere on the internet, saying "if something can't be done from a bed, it isn't worth doing at all". Apparently, it was an exact description of me! I even gave my bed a name once- I called it Ralph. So if someone who knew me well asked what I was doing I could answer "I'm spending an evening with Ralph" which ment I just wanted to sleep, but an unknowing third person could probably think that I had a life full of romance and excitement.

It's probably needless to say that I absolutely hate clubs. I do like house parties from time to time, but clubs make me crazy. I couldn't ever understand why people would go clubbing and what was so fun about it. Even if I got really drunk, I still almost never made it to stay up till later than 2 am. With a tiny exception for latino bars which I usually adore- clubs are hell for me. A good night out means going to a cozy bar and having a few gin-tonics. A night like that could possibly end in different ways, but going to a club is always a no-no scenario!

I wasn't always like this. When I lived in Cracow in my adolesence, I used to go out a lot more. But, for some reason, since I came to Germany, I started going out less and less. Now that I'm back home for some time, my friends basically drag me out of my flat if they want to see me! I have become a terrible, anti- social person! And I really don't know why...

So, when I first saw this picture, I started wondering what my comfort zone was. First thought was, of course, that it only was my bed, with my books, my magazines and my laptop. Then, I wondered where else I felt comfy and it turned out that the list was not quite that short: my flat, my uni, my office (I used to work in a tiny engineering company back then) and basically wherever I went with a big group of people I knew. So where would "outside" my comfort zone be? Meeting new people when I'm alone. Going to places alone (with one exception. I find it totally fine to go to a cinema alone. I don't know why it is that people are suprised when I say this. I usually go to a cinema to watch a movie. Why would I need anyone else in there to do it?). Going to clubs (no, no, no!). And finally... Moving countries again (I've done it twice already). Going somewhere completely new. Somewhere I wouldn't know the language!

So I took off after my bachelor in Munich and decided to do a gap year. Since I came home before Chrismas, my life was pretty constant and extremely boring. I would wake up, read, go for a walk or a run or to the swimming pool, come back, cook vegan lunch for my family, read a bit more, watch something on the tv, read again and go to bed. Even though I'd had plenty of plans for these months, I've been enjoying the time here greatly! But finally, I realized, I can't spend my life in bed anymore. Reading is great, but I feel like I'm missing out on everything else! So here you are, or maybe- here I go. From today on, I am going to plan and make something new happen. I am going to quit my comfort zone for once and see whether the magic really happens. I might even exchange my bed for a sleeping mat! But I guess it's high time I did it. If I don't start living now, when will I?