piątek, 6 lutego 2015


I started my get-a-life-challange a moment after I published the last post on Thursday. However unbelievably scary this sounds, I went out! With strangers!

I do realise how embarassing it is to be excited about going out. Sounds a bit like being 16 again and entering a party with a fake ID. And I wasn't even at a party. But after 6 weeks at home, this feels like a milestone!

The reason I'm writing about this at all is firstly, to let you know that I did start my challange and secondly, because of something that happened afterwards. There'd been something that I'd been waiting for for months and almost gave up hope that I would even hear about it again. But I did. I can't tell exactly what it is yet (the picture below might be a hint if someone would be bothered to guess), but hey- it did happen, after 4 months of silence, the day after I finally forced myself out of my comfort zone- could this be the magic?

Going out, shockingly, was actually really good fun and I stayed up till 4 am (if you read my last post carefully, going out with a group of strangers AND staying up later than 2 am were light years away from my comfort zone). I won't go much into details here, but the evening certainly left me with some good memories- who would have expected that? I promised to mention my friend Aska here ('write about me on your blog! maybe more people will follow me on instagram then?') who made me go out and who's been my partner in the laziness crime these last few months (e.g. I promised to help her with German, so she came over to mine so we could practice. After 10 mins of trying, we both gave up on German and ended up eating, sleeping and watching tv- but this was before my challange started!).

A proper update will come when I have confirmed my further plans. For now, I'm staying away from bed as much as I can. I wanted to stay away from it so much that I went to Vienna to hide from it. Unfortunately, there are beds here too!

Edit: I've been even going out here in Vienna. Went to a writer meeting yesterday. Avarage age: 70. I met new people: 3. Avarage age of the people I met: 68. Noone seemed to be very interested in the free wine after!

Maybe I'm just ill? http://time.com/3706453/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-systemic-exertion-intolerance-disease/

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